The book explains in simple yet detailed manner the Rigvedic school of “Sandhyavandanam” ritual. Mantras with explanations, meaning, logic and science behind each step of the sacred ritual are covered in a step-by-step fashion. The USP being – by going through this text a few times, daily performance of “Sandhyavandanam”, is made easy and simple to follow and perform, even for new age, fast paced Brahmin youth.
Price - Rs.40.00, Pages - 64 Demi ¼. Copies can be had from the compiler himself. Address: Madassery Mana, Karukadom P.O, Kothamangalam – 686 691, Ernakulam Dist. Phone 0485 2824000, 94471 94361.
SREEPATHY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (SIMAT) is a new age engineering institute and maiden project of Sreepathy Trust. The Trust comprises 108 members exclusively from Namboothiri community . The Engineering college is affiliated to University of Calicut and is approved by AICTE and Governent of Kerala. Location:Vavanoor-via kootanad-Near pattambi-Palakkad Dt. Phone:04662370200. Website: www.simat.ac.in.
Chairman : Er.K.B.Brahmadathan 0487 2387000Managing Trustee &
Secretary : Madhu Horakkad 9447868419
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*ME (subject to approval from AICTE)
Admission procedure for 2010-2011.For details contact Secretary: 9447868419
Submitted By: Manu Horakkad