Kozhikode: 17-08-2010
33rd Annual Meeting of Yogakshemasabha is being organised on September 19, 20 and 21 at Samothiri H S S, Kozhikode. In connetion with the event, a quiz competition is being conducted at national level on Namboothiri Tradition, Culture and History. The questions will be based on articles published in www.namboothiri.com, a vast, authentic resource on our community.
The programme is planned in three stages. First stage is a national level selection of teams based on written test for which the questionnaire is published in this blog and www.yogakshemasabha.org, the official sabha site. Ten teams shortlisted will enter the second round of written quiz and 3 finalist teams will appear for the third and final round. Final 2 rounds are planned at the Annual Meet venue.
The intention of organisers is to bring our rich and vibrant traditional knowledge among present-day tech-savvy youth.
Moderator and Co-ordinator: Sri Vinod Bhattathirippad, Polpaya Mana,
e-mail: vinodpolpaya@gmail.com
Organised by: IT Cell, Yogakshemasabha.