A State-wide meet of Entrepreneurs from among our community was organised by Sabha. Delegates from various fields of Industry, Trade and Agriculture convened at Assochem Chambers Hall, Edappilly. The samgaman was inagurated by Hon: Sabha President Sri Akeeraman Kalidasan Bhattathirippad. Dr. N.P.P Namboothoiri, Chief Physician, Sreedhareeyam Ayurvedic Hospital was the guest of Honor.
As a part of programmes, a multimedia presentation of "Motivational factors in Entrepreneurship" was conducted by eminent management consultant Dr. Ajay Kumar.
An committee was also formed to chart future course of action, with Dr. N.P.P Namboothiri as its Chairman, N.S.Nampoothiri (M.D, Associated Chemical) as Vice-chairman, M.P.J Nampoothiri - Convener and Unni, Thottasseri - co-ordinator.
Here are the press reports of the event. Click to enlarge view: