Ernakulam: 10-08-2011
For long, it has been a casual practice for those in media to portray the Brahmin's as villainous characters. Be it cinema, crap TV serials or literature we are constantly being caricatured as men of perverts-of-all-sorts. The roles and scenes may vary. Most are either priest, manthravadi or janmi. A Brahmin has to be rapist, black magician or plain thief for the audience to be captured. So is the belief of rain shot directors. Once to role is cast, the script is only tested by the psychological pervert ism of the writer. While this is more open, there is a covert methodology also. It is to silently slip in snippets cut and pasted from long forgotten obsolete literature. It can be a reference in texts at schools or question papers... Here is a last example of one such foolery. lo! and praise the minds who cannot fight with "aasayam" fighting with "aamaasayam".