Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College,Valayanchirangara, under the financial aid of UGC has long cherished its dream to built a hostel for women. The hostel is inaugurated by our Honourable Minister for Excise and Port, Sri. K. Babu on Friday, 13th of January 2012 at 10 a.m. Sri. M.V.S. Nambudiri, Chairman of the Sree Sankara Trust, presided over the function. Prof. A.K. Narayanan Nambudiri, Principal of the College delivered the welcome speach. Sri. C.V. K Nambudiri, Manager, S.S.V. College rendered an introductory speech. The Honourable MLA of Kunnathunadu Sri.V P Sajeendran has delivered a key-note address to the gathering.
reported by Manager, SSV College
reported by Manager, SSV College