It is a common notion among Sabha members that the media normally neglects us. But most of the time the fact is that organisers does not bother to send reports to media in right time. It takes weeks of dedicated work to make a function success. If we spend few extra minutes to draft a report, get it DTPied on letterhead, and present it to papers so as to suit their publishing norms, news on us will certainly get the coverage and impact it deserves. Generally the media always looks for the news value in the content, and the method of presentation. Include photos whenever possible. Never forget to mention the names of persons on the reverse of the print. Hand delivering the reports will help create a rapport with person at news desk. Reports should always be printed on letterheads, with signatures and stamps on it. Keep phone, fax numbers and mail ids of important news papers/channels etc handy. This is freely available at all press-clubs. If the news doesn't appear as expected, don't hesitate to make a reminder call. Before important functions, state or district level, conduct a press-meet at Press clubs. At the meet distribute carefully prepared pamphlets. There are several members from among us working at various media, who are keen to co-operate. Use their expertise generously.